Cooled Copper Nozzle/Lance for BOF Steel Production
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Cooled Copper Nozzle/Lance for BOF Steel Production

Key Features:
Oxygen Nozzle/Lance: Our BOF oxygen lance includes the oxygen outlet, commonly referred to as the Oxygen Nozzle/Lance. It is meticulously crafted from high thermal conductivity 90% forged copper, featuring precisely machined nozzles with nickel plating. This design ensures the attainment of the desired flow rate and oxygen jet parameters.

Thermal Expansion and Contraction: The design of our oxygen lance takes into account the necessity to compensate for thermal expansion and contraction, especially given the lance’s exposure to high temperatures within the BOF converter.

Stress-Free Design: Our product is engineered with a stress-free design, aligning with the rigorous quality standards characteristic of steel plant duty construction. This ensures that it can withstand the demanding conditions prevalent in a steel melting shop.

Cooling System:
Continuous water circulation is a critical aspect of our lance’s functionality, as it prevents overheating and burning of the lance in the BOF converter. Both the copper lance nozzle and the steel lance are efficiently cooled by recirculating water at a pressure of approximately 6 kg/sq cm. Our product is specially designed to maximize the cooling water’s velocity in the nozzle area, which is subjected to the highest temperatures.

Materials and Performance:
Material: Manufactured from 99.9% pure electrolytic copper with a 50% reduction, our product exhibits exceptional quality and durability.
Oxygen Flow: Our product can withstand an oxygen flow rate of up to 1400 m3/hr at 8.5 Bar pressure.
Enhanced Durability: In select cases, we employ a Copper Chromium alloy with nickel and chrome plating to further extend the product’s lifespan.
Our water-cooled Copper Nozzle/Lance is engineered to meet the exacting demands of BOF steel production, offering superior performance, reliability, and longevity. With a commitment to quality and innovation, our product stands as a dependable choice for your steelmaking operations.

Our water-cooled Copper Nozzle/Lance is an indispensable component in the process of Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) steel production. This specialized lance plays a pivotal role in injecting a high-velocity, supersonic stream of oxygen onto the molten bath, thereby facilitating the refining process. The unique design of this lance allows for optimal penetration of the liquid slag and metal, promoting oxidation reactions within a precisely defined area. The key characteristics of the oxygen jet, such as velocity and penetration, are intricately tied to the nozzle design at the lance tip.


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